Sunday 13 May 2012

A Weekend in the Sun

I just had a lovely weekend. The sun was even shining at my house – very unusual! :) I thought I'd share what I got up to!

Fun in the sun
On Saturday I took The Boyfriend for a surfing lesson for his birthday. Neither of us had ever been before, but it was really good fun. (The stag party group of ~25 men dressed as pirates certainly added entertainment value too!) The instructors were really good and gave you a lot of help both on the beach and in the sea. I managed to kneel on the board before falling off, but The Boyfriend got as far as crouching on his feet! We are both VERY achey today!

Today after work my sister and I went for a walk along one of the beaches in Newquay. We've decided to brave the sea tomorrow in our summer gear! Wish us luck!

Got my little cabbages in the vegetable patch, planted some potatoes, swede, swiss chard, peas and pumpkins, and even weeded my Mum's fruit bushes. We now have all the ingredients growing to make a proper pasty! (Note carrots do NOT appear on the list!!)

My Nana came round for a cup of tea and left with a big bag of stinging nettles to make fertiliser. Basically you cut the plants up a bit and leave them to rot in a watering can. After a while it makes a very nutritious feed for plants, a trick that Ilona (the Mean Queen) has mentioned on her blog's money saving tips.

So what other interesting things have been going on?
Pamela (of Feral Homemaking) often writes a post linking to various articles that have interested her recently, so I thought I'd give a quick roundup:

Isa's reinvented her old fridge by adding a stylish paper design to cover old stickers left by previous owners. It looks awesome!

Rivulet's back to work after the recent birth of her first son, and it has inspired her more than ever to get out of debt. Her son is adorable too!

Stephanie looks like she had a great time flying round in a small plane and chatting to the pilot! Very jealous of the adventure!

Ilona's been making amazing shopping bags out of old plastic supermarket bags fused together in layers. She's even added designs to them for added style. I really want to try this! What a good use of “rubbish”.

What have you been up to? I hope you've enjoyed the sunshine! 

1 comment:

  1. A very nice weekend it sounds. I have been mooching a bit this last weekend and I was working yesterday which is a shame. Still, every day is a day nearer going home. Under 3 weeks now. I'm going to check out that liquid fertiliser thing.
