Saturday 19 May 2012

Would You Sell The Olympic Torch?

I'm sure a lot of people have watched, or are planning to watch, the proud Olympic torch bearers running through the towns and villages of the UK, carrying the Olympic flame to the London 2012 games. It is certainly a moment to be remembered forever if you were one of the lucky 8000 who were a part of the relay.

Yet, as I am writing this, several of the Olympic torches used to transport the flame through its initial travels are for sale on eBay. You might think selling such a unique souvenir would be a little unsentimental. Possibly. But you might reconsider your judgement when you learn that with >21 hours left, one lucky soul has already got the bidding up to £130,100.

Have a look, maybe even watch it to see how much the bidding ends on. Just be sure not to accidentally place a bid!!

What do you think? There are several other torches for sale already on eBay, all for tens of thousands of pounds. Would you sell one, if you had it, or keep it forever as a souvenir for your grandchildren?

Gotta tell you, I'd sell it.


  1. Ahahahaahaha!

    I loved this post:)

    No bid, no torch!

  2. For something which cost £475 to make, is it really worth £130,000+. How many people who paid that sort of money will regret it in a few weeks time? Still if your in the position of having one to sell its so tempting to sell it and if you do have debts then of course you are going to sell it. At the end of the day of someone has so much money and is stupid enough to pay that sort of money, well they deserve to help pay off your debt, just wish that I could help pay your debt, sadly i'm in the same position so yes I would sell it too! Good luck for the future!

  3. It was now up to £150000 by the time I looked. Nuts. I would definitely sell, but that is probably because my interest in the olympics is virtually nil (yeah, I know I'm so unpatriotic about it) so I wouldn't really want one, but who in their right minds would pay over £150,000 for it? Someone with a lot more money than sense, that's for sure and someone who is a bit stupid to be honest. If you've got that much money to waste, give it to a worthy cause instead.

  4. I would sell. Don't need any more stuff in my house, and I wont be watching the Olympics.

  5. def sell ! it's meaningless to me, but the money would be great.

  6. Sell it. No question of not doing so. If some fool is willing to pay that much for it and help my living conditions and improve my quality of life now and in the future. it's only a piece of metal - its the Memory you keep. That cant be sold.

  7. I am a bit surprised in some ways that people are selling, I mean if you care so much about the Olympics that you have gone to the trouble of applying and actually carrying the torch then you must really need the money to sell it I suppose. I assume the people buying are investors speculating in the same way they would on any other object, not necessarily being interested in what it actually is. Me, I think Olympics is great if you like that sort of thing, if not meh. I'm not anti just meh.

  8. I have a torch and i definately won't be selling. I am priveliged to have been chosen to carry the torch and to be part of this amazing experience.I was chosen as I am an inspirational person I will not ne cashing in on amazing privelage

  9. SpanktheMagicMonkey21 May 2012 at 10:19

    Seen the torch or sale on eBay. Apparently many of the bids placed were fake in order to deter the guy from selling the torch. I think this is a terrible thing to do. If the guy wants to sell it and the Olympics board thingy has no issue with it (which they don’t, btw) then these people who keep trying to stop people doing what they want should keep tier opinions to themselves and bugger off back under whatever rock they crawled out from. Sadly these acts have now forced the guy from Probus, Cornwall to withdraw the sale of the torch.

    Rant over and on a more lighter note, I for one am glad of the Olympics coming to the UK. Although most countries loose money on hosting it the prospects for local business owners must surely be a good thing. This will give them a little bit of relief in a time of cutbacks and austerity measures.

    Go TEAM GB !
