Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely night! We went to Truro to watch the fireworks, surrounded by bananas in pyjamas and lego men! :)

C'mon then, let's hear 'em! What're your goals/ambitions/resolutions for 2013?

I really feel like 2013 is my year. Everything came together last year and The Boyfriend and I set up our own little flat as a base for new beginnings in Bristol. I miss my family and Cornwall every day but I know that we are working towards a better future (because there are so very few jobs in Cornwall).

Work/Uni Goals

I've started becoming involved in the wider scientific community as well as my own research. This year I will enter science writing contests, teach school children about the wonders of Biology, go to a scientific conference, and I am tempted to start writing science communication articles for the wider public too. :)

Since starting my PhD, I've been setting myself mini-deadlines so that I complete work at a decent rate and well ahead of the true deadline. It's a great practise, and really takes the stress out of life! I will definitely keep using mini-deadlines in 2013!

Finance Goals

The Boyfriend and I have been chatting and we're inspired to cut out unnecessary spending in order to bulk up the savings for possibly buying a house when I've finished Uni (in 2016), or even just so that we can afford to choose where we want to live and what we want to do.

This year I'm planning on saving more than ever! I can see friends for free, make lunches at home and entertain myself for free with gardening, blogging, baking, sewing, 4oD, walking, reading, writing, even Uni work! :D

So, I'll increase the number of No Spend Days to... 200 this year! 

Don't know how feasible this will be but we're not moving this year so that cuts out about a month of spending compared to last year! I think a major challenge like this is just what we need! Under the same rules as last year, rent, bills and the like don't count, but food shopping, eating out, parking, even buying a drink on a day out does count.

We will also be chipping away at the water, energy and food bills throughout the year.

Another successful goal of 2012 was to track my spending. This helps you to know exactly where your money is going, whilst also keeping you accountable for purchases. I hate writing down £1 for a coke on an otherwise spend-free day! It only takes seconds each day to record your spending if you fancy doing this too.

Health goals

I failed horribly at one goal last year: losing a little bit of weight each week. I am still the same as last year! Don't worry though, I'm back on track for eating healthily and dancing more in 2013! :)

So what have you got lined up for 2013? I don't have many set plans yet but I'm definitely looking forward to a happy new year! :)

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