There are some things that just sit in your house gathering dust and taking up space. If you've got good neighbours/relatives/friends, stop buying these once-a-month/year/decade items and borrow when needed!
Suitcases – One third of my wardrobe is taken up by a suitcase, which in turn contains holdalls and a hiking rucksack! The person you borrow it off will be glad to get theirs out of the way for a week!
Lawnmowers – Save yourself some shed space and borrow next door's mower when your lawn starts looking like a jungle.
Books and DVDs – You can borrow books and films from the library or friends. I don't know about you, but my bookshelf is stuffed to the brim already! No more room for new purchases!
DIY stuff – No-one needs instant access to a cordless drill or wallpapering table. Borrow as required. (The Boyfriend is already accumulating a lot of random power tools. I would like to put a stop to this before we live together!)
Gardening tools – Many a part-time gardener is not going to need their fork and spade all day every weekend. Ask them when they'll be doing their work, then borrow their stuff in the down time.
Top tips for borrowing
- LOOK AFTER IT! You'll remain friends and be more likely to receive a favour again in the future.
- Never borrow anything that you can't afford to replace if you do break it.
- Borrow it for a set period of time. (“I'll get it back to you by Friday”) Even if you haven't finished with it, ring/visit your friend and ask if you can continue using it.
- Don't forget to give it back! The whole point is to reduce clutter, so you don't want someone else's kayak taking up room in your garage!
One more tip, for future students; if you're going into a Halls of Residence, DON'T TAKE SAUCEPANS OR KITCHEN UTENSILS. Everyone buys a new set for their first time living away from home, which means you end up with six sets of everything!
Anyone got any more suggestions? Do you borrow anything expensive from relatives?
Such a wonderful post Bryallen!
We work as a team with our neighbours.
E.G. Mr Sft is a man with a van.
Neighbour is a man with a chainsaw.
So they joined forces to cut up and transport a tree that had blown down in the gales.
Result 2 wheelbarrows of free wood each.
Sft x
We have a lot of stuff that we lend to others which is great!
Have you heard of ecomodo? It is a site where you can list things to lend and borrow, I have joined but not listed or borrowed anything as there is no one near me but it seems like a really good idea.
I have a group of friends and we all borrow off each other. Portable cribs, blow up air beds; the kids borrow our van for moving stuff around sometimes.
I agree with everything on you list except the lawnmower, I would only borrow if my were broken.
I have today nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You are listed on my blog today with a link to your blog.
Congratulations! Justine at jazzy's place
This is so true! It's always a good idea to find out if you can borrow something rather than buy it--just take care of it (as you said) and return it in good condition. And be willing to lend out things of yours.
I like this weeks blog post. Some very useful hints and tips.
If you happen to have lots and lots of dvd's, cd's ect knocking around then its simple then get yourself a decent hard drive and copy them all to that. If your buying a dvd / cd get it as a download (legally). This is both good as a space saving solution and as an environmental factor. I know my computer spends most of its life permanently on so why not make good use of it?
I agree whole hartedly on the dishes and university bit. During our last two years in a house everyone still had their own set. Not only did we have far too much (and we were fortunate to have a large house instead of a flat) but I think it encourages people to leave dirty dishes everywhere as they know theres always another plate/bowl ect available.
I can honestly say that only one thing I lent came back to me. Everyone else who has borrowed a book has refused to return it if they acknowledge the loan. Books have been ruined by others' bad habits. So, my rule is "no book loans." Then, I discovered a friend was stealing my books. When caught, he was "just borrowing."
Another friend took a signed, first-edition into the car and threw it on the floorboard of the backseat.
Ruined/misused--hair dryer, Monopoly game, books, tools, clothes, toys,
Never returned--books, tools, clown suit I made, small appliances, foreign money borrowed for classroom,
I buy what I need. I do not borrow. If my friend will not check the oil in my lawnmower when he mows my lawn (unless I stand over him), why would I trust he would check it at his house. Another friend was going to mow my yard in return for the loan of the mower. After the second huge rock, I asked him to stop and paid him for the ten minutes he spent ruining my lawn mower.
When anyone wants to borrow my very old and very expensive loppers that are in perfect condition, I tell them to meet me at the Dollar Store and I will purchase a pair they can have. There is so much pouting because I will not turn over the pair that has not one rust spot. Pouting and threatening do not sway me. I had four younger siblings, three children, and am a
I will stop because the litany of complaints is too long for this comment.
Like PP , I've lent stuff and either never had it back , or had it returned in a damaged state. Now I stick with the old adage ' Neither a borrower or a lender be'.
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