Sunday 31 March 2013

Money Saving March: Make a gift

I'm on a mission to save money in March! I'll be posting three times a week with ideas and challenges. Free free to join in! :)

It's the end of Money Saving March! There's just time to cram in one more way to save yourself (or someone else) some money.

Challenge 12 of Money Saving March is to make a gift!

Maybe you have a birthday or anniversary coming up or maybe you are just visiting family or friends. Either way, if you're going to take a gift, why not spend some time and make one they'll really appreciate?

I have a couple of weeks off from University, so I am going for a much-needed trip home to Cornwall to visit my family, and then on to a week's holiday in Turkey! So exciting! Anyway, I am spending tomorrow making this vegan carrot cake that Mum dropped hints about mentioned and some cheese straws for my Dad who insists that vegetables should not be ingredients in cakes!

There are plenty of awesome handmade gift ideas out there waiting to be Googled. I hear Pinterest is brilliant for this, but I refuse to sign up to it for fear of getting addicted to drooling over crafting!

Even if you don't have a birthday coming up, make something anyway! You can either save it for a few months or send it to the lucky recipient as a "thinking of you" way to brighten their day. :)


Sarah said...

I have made the gifts fir Stephanie school friends parties thus month, she has had one a week for the past month. The girls all recieved a personalised handbag, the boy a pencil case. They were made with some of my old jeans which had gone into holes and a couple of tops I don't fit anymore. So cost absolutely nothing to make. I'm told the children loved them.

I will definitely be making more gifts now.

Holly@ClubThrifty said...

Are you vegan??

Bryallen said...

Sarah, they sound like great gifts! I used some jeans to make a draught excluder - they're so versatile I'm almost glad when a pair gets too old! :)

Holly - I'm a vegetarian but my Mum's a vegan. Are you? :)